Example: Coffee Taste Test

Problem Description

A coffee taste test was conducted at the Stat-Ease office to improve the taste of the coffee [1]. This example uses a simplified version of that experiment.

We will look at 5 input factors:

  • Amount of Coffee (2.5 to 4.0 oz.)
  • Grind size (8-10mm)
  • Brew time (3.5 to 4.5 minutes)
  • Grind Type (burr vs blade)
  • Coffee beans (light vs dark)

With one output, or response, variable:

  • Average overall liking (1-9)

The liking is an average of the scores of a panel of 5 office coffee drinkers.

Design Choice

A full factorial, that is, running all combinations of lows and highs, would take 25 = 32 taste tests. We want to add 8 center point runs to check for curvature, bringing the total number of runs up to 36. We can only do 3 per day, so as not to over-caffienate our testers, and can only do the tests on days when all 5 testers are in the office. That means the test will probably take a month or so.

We can calculate the power of a full factorial using dexpy, assuming a signal to noise ratio of 2:

import dexpy.factorial
import dexpy.power
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

coffee_design = dexpy.factorial.build_factorial(5, 2**5)
center_points = [
    [0, 0, 0, -1, -1],
    [0, 0, 0, -1, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, -1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
coffee_design = coffee_design.append(pd.DataFrame(center_points * 2, columns=coffee_design.columns))
coffee_design.index = np.arange(0, len(coffee_design))

sn = 2.0
alpha = 0.05
factorial_power = dexpy.power.f_power(model, coffee_design, sn, alpha)
factorial_power.pop(0) # remove intercept
factorial_power = ['{0:.2f}%'.format(i*100) for i in factorial_power] # convert to %
Term Power
amount 99.98%
grind_size 99.98%
brew_time 99.98%
grind_type 99.99%
beans 99.99%

This means we have a 99.97% chance of detecting a change of 2 taste rating, assuming a standard deviation of 1 taste rating for the experiment. This is high enough that we decide to run a fraction instead, and get the experiment done more quickly. We can create a 25-1 fractional factorial, which will have 16 runs, along with the 4 center points for a total of 20. As you can see the power is still quite good.

coffee_design = dexpy.factorial.build_factorial(5, 2**(5-1))
coffee_design.columns = ['amount', 'grind_size', 'brew_time', 'grind_type', 'beans']
center_points = [
    [0, 0, 0, -1, -1],
    [0, 0, 0, -1, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, -1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]

coffee_design = coffee_design.append(pd.DataFrame(center_points * 2, columns=coffee_design.columns))
coffee_design.index = np.arange(0, len(coffee_design))

model = ' + '.join(coffee_design.columns)
sn = 2.0
alpha = 0.05
factorial_power = dexpy.power.f_power(model, coffee_design, sn, alpha)
factorial_power.pop(0) # remove intercept
factorial_power = ['{0:.2f}%'.format(i*100) for i in factorial_power] # convert to %
Term Power
amount 96.55%
grind_size 96.55%
brew_time 96.55%
grind_type 99.61%
beans 99.61%

We can also check the power for the interaction model:

twofi_model = "(" + '+'.join(coffee_design.columns) + ")**2"
sn = 2.0
alpha = 0.05
factorial_power = dexpy.power.f_power(twofi_model, coffee_design, sn, alpha)
factorial_power = ['{0:.2f}%'.format(i*100) for i in factorial_power] # convert to %
Term Power
amount 93.67%
grind_size 93.67%
brew_time 93.67%
grind_type 98.91%
beans 98.91%
amount:grind_size 93.67%
amount:brew_time 93.67%
amount:grind_type 93.67%
amount:beans 93.67%
grind_size:brew_time 93.67%
grind_size:grind_type 93.67%
grind_size:beans 93.67%
brew_time:grind_type 93.67%
brew_time:beans 93.67%
grind_type:beans 98.91%

Run the Experiment

We can build the 25-1 design using build_factorial, then appending the 8 center point runs. We actually already did this to evaluate the power, but here is the code again.

coffee_design = dexpy.factorial.build_factorial(5, 2**(5-1))
coffee_design.columns = ['amount', 'grind_size', 'brew_time', 'grind_type', 'beans']
center_points = [
    [0, 0, 0, -1, -1],
    [0, 0, 0, -1, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, -1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]

coffee_design = coffee_design.append(pd.DataFrame(center_points * 2, columns=coffee_design.columns))
coffee_design.index = np.arange(0, len(coffee_design))

It is convenient to print out the design in actual values, rather than the coded -1 and +1 values, for when we make the coffee.

actual_lows = { 'amount' : 2.5, 'grind_size' : 8, 'brew_time': 3.5,
                'grind_type': 'burr', 'beans': 'light' }
actual_highs = { 'amount' : 4, 'grind_size' : 10, 'brew_time': 4.5,
                 'grind_type': 'blade', 'beans': 'dark' }
actual_design = dexpy.design.coded_to_actual(coffee_design, actual_lows, actual_highs)
run amount grind_size brew_time grind_type beans
0 2.5 8 3.5 burr dark
1 2.5 8 3.5 blade light
2 2.5 8 4.5 burr light
3 2.5 8 4.5 blade dark
4 2.5 10 3.5 burr light
5 2.5 10 3.5 blade dark
6 2.5 10 4.5 burr dark
7 2.5 10 4.5 blade light
8 4 8 3.5 burr light
9 4 8 3.5 blade dark
10 4 8 4.5 burr dark
11 4 8 4.5 blade light
12 4 10 3.5 burr dark
13 4 10 3.5 blade light
14 4 10 4.5 burr light
15 4 10 4.5 blade dark
16 3.25 9 4 burr light
17 3.25 9 4 burr dark
18 3.25 9 4 blade light
19 3.25 9 4 blade dark
20 3.25 9 4 burr light
21 3.25 9 4 burr dark
22 3.25 9 4 blade light
23 3.25 9 4 blade dark

All that is left is to drink 24 pots of coffee and record the results. Note that, while the tables in this example are in a sorted order, the actual experiment was run in random order. This is done to reduce the possibility of incidental variables influencing the results. For example, if the temperature in the office for the first 8 runs was cold, the testers may have rated the taste higher. Hot coffee being more pleasing in a cold environment. If the first 8 runs were the only runs where amount was at its low setting, as it is in the sorted table above, we would confound the low amount effect with the effect of the cold office, and incorrectly conclude that a lower amount of coffee is better.

run hank joe neal mike martin mean
0 4 4 4 5 5 4.4
1 3 3 3 3 1 2.6
2 2 3 3 2 2 2.4
3 9 9 9 8 8 8.6
4 1 3 1 2 1 1.6
5 2 6 1 2 3 2.8
6 7 6 6 8 9 7.2
7 1 4 2 5 5 3.4
8 5 7 8 6 8 6.8
9 2 6 3 5 1 3.4
10 2 5 4 5 3 3.8
11 9 9 9 9 9 9
12 8 3 4 4 7 5.2
13 4 6 2 4 2 3.6
14 9 8 8 8 8 8.2
15 7 6 5 8 9 7
16 7 6 4 5 5 5.4
17 7 7 7 7 6 6.8
18 7 2 2 4 3 3.6
19 6 6 4 5 6 5.4
20 7 4 4 3 6 4.8
21 6 7 5 7 6 6.2
22 5 4 3 6 4 4.4
23 7 6 4 5 7 5.8

We’ll store the mean for later as another column in the DataFrame.

coffee_design['taste_rating'] = [
    4.4, 2.6, 2.4, 8.6, 1.6, 2.8, 7.2, 3.4,
    6.8, 3.4, 3.8, 9.0, 5.2, 3.6, 8.2, 7.0,
    5.4, 6.8, 3.6, 5.4, 4.8, 6.2, 4.4, 5.8

Fit a Model

The statsmodels package has an OLS fitting routine that takes a patsy formula:

from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

lm = ols("taste_rating ~" + twofi_model, data=coffee_design).fit()
term Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 5.1 0.1434 35.5718 0 4.7694 5.4306
amount 0.875 0.1756 4.9831 0.0011 0.4701 1.2799
grind_size -0.125 0.1756 -0.7119 0.4968 -0.5299 0.2799
brew_time 1.2 0.1756 6.8339 0.0001 0.7951 1.6049
grind_type -0.1333 0.1434 -0.93 0.3796 -0.4639 0.1973
beans 0.45 0.1434 3.1387 0.0138 0.1194 0.7806
amount:grind_size 0.25 0.1756 1.4237 0.1923 -0.1549 0.6549
amount:brew_time -0.075 0.1756 -0.4271 0.6806 -0.4799 0.3299
amount:grind_type -0.175 0.1756 -0.9966 0.3481 -0.5799 0.2299
amount:beans -1.325 0.1756 -7.5458 0.0001 -1.7299 -0.9201
grind_size:brew_time 0.375 0.1756 2.1356 0.0652 -0.0299 0.7799
grind_size:grind_type -0.725 0.1756 -4.1288 0.0033 -1.1299 -0.3201
grind_size:beans 0.375 0.1756 2.1356 0.0652 -0.0299 0.7799
brew_time:grind_type 0.75 0.1756 4.2712 0.0027 0.3451 1.1549
brew_time:beans 0.15 0.1756 0.8542 0.4178 -0.2549 0.5549
grind_type:beans 0.0833 0.1434 0.5812 0.5771 -0.2473 0.4139

We can reduce this model by keeping only terms that have a p-value below 0.05 (bolded in the table above):

# this gets the pvalues dataframe from the RegressionResults
# and slices out the rows with p < 0.05
pvalues = lm.pvalues[1:]
reduced_model = '+'.join(pvalues.loc[pvalues < 0.05].index)
# you could also just specify it by hand:
# reduced_model = "amount + brew_time + beans + amount:beans + " \
#                 "grind_size:grind_type + brew_time:grind_type"
lm = ols("taste_rating ~" + reduced_model, data=coffee_design).fit()
  Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 5.1 0.1659 30.7405 0 4.75 5.45
amount 0.875 0.2032 4.3063 0.0005 0.4463 1.3037
brew_time 1.2 0.2032 5.9058 0 0.7713 1.6287
beans 0.45 0.1659 2.7124 0.0148 0.1 0.8
amount:beans -1.325 0.2032 -6.5209 0 -1.7537 -0.8963
grind_size:grind_type -0.725 0.2032 -3.5681 0.0024 -1.1537 -0.2963
brew_time:grind_type 0.75 0.2032 3.6911 0.0018 0.3213 1.1787